Graduating Senior
These scholarships are given to local high school graduating students who exhibit not only academic excellence, but just as importantly, community volunteerism, leadership qualities, and a clear sense of direction.
Sharon Handelin Edwards Scholarship
Graduating Female Senior Majoring in Business
This scholarship is given to a local high school graduating student who is going into business.
Education and Training Awards for Women
Awarded to women who have overcome poverty, domestic and sexual violence, divorce, the death of a spouse, or other life challenges. For women who have the courage and determination to turn their lives around.
Due each year by November 15.

Ruby Award
Women Improving the Lives of Women and Girls
The Ruby Award honors women who, through their professional or personal activities, make extraordinary efforts on behalf of women and girls. Women can nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else in the community. Soroptimist International of Fort Bragg is proud to continue to make this award available to women in our community.
Nomination Form due before December 15.
Violet Richardson Award
Honoring Young Women for Volunteer Action
This award recognizes and honors young women between the ages of 14 and 18 who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts such as fighting drugs; crime and violence; cleaning up the environment; and working to end discrimination and poverty.
Information & Nomination Form
Due November 15
Must be between the ages of 14 — 18
Women’s Opportunity Award (WOA)
Scholarships for women, heads of household, who are reentering school
to advance their present position or to complete their education
Continuing Education Scholarship
These scholarships are given to past recipients of SIFB’s Academic Scholarship who are continuing their academic pursuits and have maintained their high standard of achievement.

Founder Region Fellowship
Fellowships for women in the final phase of their doctoral degrees
Due January 15
Founder Region Fellowship is the identifying project of Founder Region. The mission is to advance the status of women. Since 1948, Fellowship has provided fellowships to women in the final phase of their doctoral degrees. Fellowships totaling a minimum of $20,000 are awarded each year to graduate students within the boundaries of the region. During the first 60 years of the program over $700,000 was awarded to over 250 deserving women. Through these awards Founder Region Soroptimists acknowledge the value of students’ research work and enable them to complete the academic credential necessary for their careers.
A club or individual can become a Fellow by the contribution of $1,000 to Founder Region Fellowship during a biennium, by purchasing tickets to the Fellowship raffles at District Meeting or Region Conference or through an award from their club.
SIFB contributes $500 each year to FRF and awards a Fellow, every other year, to a member who has made a significant contribution to our club of women, who has worked diligently on our fundraisers or who has contributed financially to our club. If you have a nominee for this award please let us know: Awards Contact. Many members of our club have received a Fellow, but that should not bar them from re-consideration. This is a way our club honors the work a member has done.